'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'

Charles Eames

'To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.'
Milton Glaser

Sustainabillity issues

Designers and sustainabillity
Designers should define their role as agents of good in the world and limit their work to products that are needed and can be made without damage nature people to nature or people.
(Phillip Starck)

Activity 1: Review the video below to discover what Lockheed Martin is doing to try to tackle sustaiabillity issues.

Activity 2: Note down the major sustainabillty challenges the world faces and any suggested solutions being used by Lockheed Martin.

What are the big sustainability issues for designers?

1. Resource use

We use so much and so many materials. Many of the products we use daily use materials that are in 
scarce supply and are non‐renewable. If everyone in the world used as any resources as we do in the UK, we’d need 3 planets to sustain us.


2. Climate Change
Many products use a lot of energy to;
•Process materials and produce 
•Use and dispose 
The energy used throughout the product ‘lifecycle’ releases carbon dioxide, 

which contributes towards climate change.

Activity 3 - Test your Sustainabillity and Environmental Knowledge with the interactive quiz below

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