'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'
This section of the website is dedicated to 3D design using Solidworks. Please use the links in the left menu to access tutorial content.
Solidworks is a 3D design program created by Dassult systems, you can find links to the free 30 day trial, student and full professional versions of the application by visiting:
Solidworks is an industry standard in 3D design and below I have included instructional videos and other resources to help you learn the main functions of the application.
The application itself has many addons and functuions that come at additional cost such as, stress testing, environmental reporting, hole wizzard as well as special plugins for electrical design.
I will be focusing on covering basic operations and it should be noted that in addition to what is covered in these pages that there are many different ways of working with the application that as an advanced user you may wish to adopt.