'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'

Charles Eames

'To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.'
Milton Glaser

B-tec lvl3 FInal Project:

Task 1: Orientation

What YOU will be EXPECTED do:

  1. Intergrate the knowledge and skills gained throughout your study into a single major piece of work.
  2. Develop the ability to identify and plan a course of action, produceing viable outcome to an agreed specification and project plan.
  3. Explore strategies for resolving implementation problems.


The end result could be:

  • An engineered product,
  • A service or process,
  • A modification to an existing product or service
  • Anything of an engineering nature.

By the end of the unit YOU MUST HAVE EVIDENCE of:

  1. A comprehensive specification of your project, agreed procedures and choosen solution
  2. A planed and monitored project approach
  3. Implementation of the project plan within agreed procedures
  4. The project outcome / final piece in a presentable format. e.g. a demonstratable solution / machine, or working prototype.

Why not make use of these free project management resources to help you?

Free NDA template
Example NDA.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.3 KB]

Task 2: Review the two videos below to familarise yourself with your competitors in the B-Tec Engineering communities recent sucessful outcomes.

Time scale and learning support provision

This is a 20-credit unit taught over 120 guided learning hours.

You ae expected to complete 90 hours of individual learning. 

Delivery is by some whole-class teaching and group discussion but mainly by individual activity

Investigating initial concepts and design solutions & keeping accurate project records

In a diverse engineering sector including manufacturing and service companies that

produce, a wide range of products and services the range of possible project areas is extensive.


It is wise to choose a project brief that is attainable, simple and effective is best, you only have 90 hrs of self guided work including planning and designing.


It is wise to break up your initial investigation into smaller chuncks or stages of work:

  • Set time limits.
  • Generate ideas with discussion, thought showering, mind mapping.
  • Figure out cost and feasibility.
  • Conduct a value/cost benefit analysis.
  • Research manufacturing techniques and lines of communication needed to produce a quality product.

Task 1: Review the video below and then list all of the benifits of the projcet as well as any design challenges, leagal issues, costs, safety and environmental considerations.

Task 2: Discuss, Why do we need to keep records about anything?

Task 3: Using the format in the video above or the .xls document below create your own engineering report template using power point set to A3 landscape. Fill in the setions you can starting with the Title.   

Task 4: Communicate with eachother and your course tutor to agree a suitable project idea. 

Task 5: Complete your project, make sure to keep a record of your progress along with your tutor by having regualr one - one project meetings as well as keeping a progres chart up to date.

Y13 Engineering Project Tracker Example
Please add names and headings particular for your course
Y13 tracker final project.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [10.5 KB]
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© Julian Kupper