'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'

Charles Eames

'To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.'
Milton Glaser

Communications for Engineering Technicians

Aim and purpose

Apply the wide range of communication methods used within engineering.

Covering, visual representation, verbal and written skills, obtaining and using

information and the use of information and communications technology.

Skills covered

Interpretation and use of engineering sketches/circuit/network diagrams to communicate technical


Ability to use verbal and written communication skills in engineering settings

Ability to obtain and use engineering information

Ability to use information and communication technology (ICT) to present information in engineering



Task 1: Review the video below making notes on 1st and 3rd angle projections

Task 2: Review the video below making notes on orthographic projection

Task 3: Discuss in pairs or threes why orthographic projection is essential for designers to be able to effectively communicate plans and assembly instructions to engineers / makers.

Task 4: Answer the following questions. What are the advantages of  using a common drawing method? What are the kind of mistakes that could be made by designers / makers if drawings are not clear or are inaccurate?, list the possible cost implications. Why is orthographic projection more accurate than perspective techniques?

Task 5: Review the video below and take notes, note down any conventions, e.g. how dimensioning is drawn, how parts are annoatated, layout of the drawings.

Task 6: Draw out the engineering drawing hatching conventions below.

BS8888 Drawing Conventions

Task 7: Using your knowledge of engineering drawing conventions investiage standards BS8888. Write and present a presentation of a selection of the BS8888 standards explaining what they are used for and then give at least 6 examples of some of these conventions, use annotated technical drawings to support your statements.  

Applying your BS8888 knowledge to your final project

Task 8: Use the time you have in these sessions togeather with the knowledge you have gained from research into BS8888 standards to develop sketching and CAD models for your final project.

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© Julian Kupper