'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'

Charles Eames

'To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.'
Milton Glaser

Design a Monogram activity

Before you start this activity please review the video below.

Activity 1 - Rapid idea sketching

Using pencil and paper your task is to sketch 8 - 10 quick ideas for monograms using your initials.


This task should take about 20 minutes, 2 minutes per design.



Be creative but quick with your initial sketched designs
There is no wrong design, just designs that work and others that do not work so well.
Try to interlock the letters or play with how they can fit togeather
Experement with the lines of the letters


10 points

Activity 2 - Peer review

Get into pairs, swap sketchs, study your partners drawings and select the two that you feel are most effective.

3 minutes


Discuss your choices, you must justify your decisions with design language i.e. you could talk about the placement of the letters, how they are stylised, spaced etc.


You must both have chosen your favorite design by the end of the review as next we will develop it using design applications on the computers.

10 Minutes



Be positive in your comments

Discuss your feelings about the designs openly

Suggest ways to improve design if you can think of them

Activity 3 - Draw a professional monogram

Review the video below and when you feel comfortable start to draw out your best monogram design using the techniques shown

10 marks

Activity 4 - Main Task

Using a camera, 2D design and/or Photoshop capture, upload and recreate your monogram design on an A4 digital page.



You will have to set the page size and orientation

You will need to use vector tools or an editing technique to effect letters in Photoshop

If you don't know how to achieve these things, think and try and recall, research, ask your peers and then ask your teacher.



10 points


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© Julian Kupper