'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'
In this module you will investigate different types of PCB, design and virtually test a PCB and then manufacture the PCB and fault find / test it.
During assignment A you will carry out an investigation to familiarise yourself with the range of boards that are available, including their practical advantages and limitations.
You must investigate and evaluate at least two different printed circuit boards that are contained within two products.
The circuit architecture of the PCBs, and intended application of the products containing PCBs should be significantly different.
During Assignement B you are going to capture the above AC/DC circuit and simulate the circuit to confirm its operation and with the simulation data, justify the correct functionality of the circuit and produce specification data.
To do this:
For learning aims C&D you have been asked to design and manufacture showing refinements, a single-sided printed circuit board from a given circuit schematic design.
On completion of the manufacturing and testing, you need to produce a written evaluation that reflects the lessons you have learnt throughout the task.