'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'
In unit 2 the focus is on working safely as a team togeather.
Assignment A is a research and write up focused on specific engineering operations and comparing traditional to modern processes.
You can download and use the LA A document as well as the sample learner work at distinction level to guide you in completion or delivery of this assignment.
Assignment B deals with orthographic drawings and circuit design requires the learner to produce evidence of a correctly laid out drawing along with explanatory notes and evidence of the use of layers correctly to represent different drawing features as well as a circuit diagram drawn to specific criteria.
Below is a sample assignment sheet and of learner work that met the criteria for assignment B at distinction level completed using 2D design and circuit wizard.
The following two images can be used respectively for the two tasks needing to be completed for Unit 2 learning aim B.
You can use the isometric part drawing imediately below as an item to draw up in orthographic projection and the circuit diagram below that can be used as a circuit that meets the set criteria to be drawn up in circuit wizard or similar.
You can use the above link to access Draw IO which has circuit diagram drawing functions as well as a range of useful chart and engineering analysis creation tools.
Assignment C in unit 2 is a practical activity that is completed in small teams, it is designed to be a simulated experience to working in a small engineering team.
Records of progress, meetings and tasks undertaken should all be recorded as well as showing evidence of products produced and quality controls applied.
As this assignment is restricted in it's scope setting the task and group format can only really be done individually to each centre because of differences in workshop equipment etc.
Included below are a range of risk assesments that can be adapted and a format that can be used to keep records of meetings. I would recomend use of B-Tec learner observation records to aid in compiling evidence for this assesment.