'Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.'
During this unit you will learn about secondary machining processes. You will also be expected to produce machined parts using two or three industrial processes. These may vary depending on your institutions access to machinery but in most cases these are a vertical mill, a centre lathe and a sheering or grinding / buffing tool.
Use the diagrams below to help you in identifing the parts of each machine, use the correct termonology when writing up your work.
Use the diagrams below to help you in identifing the tools and processes that each machine employs and make sure to use the correct termonology when writing up your work.
Below are supporting files to help you complete all learning aims for U41
Learning aim B & C require you to produce evidence of setting up and using secondary machining processes researched in assignment 1. You will accurately produce three machined components / parts safely.
To evidence your maching work for LA B&C you have to produce a report/logbook that: a) shows how set up each machine b) use of the machine c) parameters used e.g. speeds Your report should also include: · risk assessments for each machine used · the finished components/products · annotated photographs and drawings · complete quality control documents |
To complete U41 Assignment D:
You will need to collate your evidence from Assignment 2.
You should then review and reflect on the activities that you completed and behaviours that you showed when setting-up and using secondary machining processes to produce a component.
There is more specific guidance on the range of activities and topics that you will have to assess in LA - D found the assignment sheet above and the slides below, so make sure that you check the assignment sheet regularly when writing up LA - D.